Gold Chisel - Good Friday Eve
Gold Chisel - Good Friday Eve
Live at Your Local presents....

Gold Chisel - Good Friday Eve

Skyways Hotel (Airport West, VIC)
Thursday, 17 April 2025 8:00 pm
59 days away
18 Plus

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COLD CHISEL are unquestionably one of the most loved and respected bands in Australian History.
They produced not only some of the greatest and most well-known Australian anthems, but they performed with a truly unique sound and an unparalleled energy. To play a tribute show to this
legendary band would require far more than just a bunch of guys playing these well-loved songs. It would require and group of fine musicians that could recapture the sound, the energy and the
anthems with great authenticity, which is precisely what GOLD CHISEL has done for well over a decade now.